These testimonials provide a glimpse at how we measure and improve true value for providers, institutions, and industry.
Halifax Health
“The unique thing about CQInsights is that it connects all the dots so that we can get a clear answer. I’ve been in this industry for 35 years, and that’s unheard of. I think this is a model for the future. We can no longer be myopic in looking at just the cost of products that are purchased. We need to evaluate the whole continuum of care.”
CQInsights partnered with Halifax Health for 3 years, focusing on ventral hernia patients and implementing several process improvements along the way.
Results: Significantly lowered costs & improved patient outcomes - CQInsights facilitated a yearly savings of $700,000 on ventral hernia patients alone; hospital margin went from -$12,000 to +$2,500 per patient.
SurgiQuest >>> ConMed
“Had it not been for this CQI study and the paper, I don’t think we would’ve gotten anywhere near $265 million.”
CQInsights led this project with SurgiQuest that had over 100 patients evaluated with the AirSeal low pressure pneumoperitoneum system and a whitepaper published within 9 months of starting the project.
Results: ConMed acquired SurgiQuest for $265 million within 6 months of published whitepaper due to nature of the real-world data provided by CQInsights.
“Dr. X (medical officer, FDA) commended Dr. Ramshaw on his efforts and noted that these efforts to provide real-world evidence through CQI process and publications are important to understanding patient care.”
The FDA hearing was successful and it was concluded that, “the CQI data used to support our client’s case could be justified since it was not a clinical study; rather a real-world data collection effort where patients were properly informed and consented as part of standard surgical practice at Dr. Ramshaw’s institution.”
Results: All requested indications and contraindications included in the 510(k) submission were approved because of the real-world CQI data provided by CQInsights.